Saturday, October 20, 2012

I am a mom, I think

I write because I must and I must to stay sane. I write only of my own life and my feelings. I write in hopes that it will help me feel better that my life will become easier and that I will gain greater understanding.
To begin with I would like to state that I love my family very much my husband, my children, and our pets  this is not a disposition on how I feel unloved or that I do not like having a husband and children but more a thought process on how my mind wraps around my life and job. I have only one job and purpose in like and that is to take care of my house, my children and my husband. I spend every day and night doing nothing more or less. My every waking and sleeping moment is spent making sure that the well-being of my family is the best that I can do. So shall we begin?
I became pregnant with my oldest daughter four years and nine months ago this week. I had just turned 21 at the end of July and was “defying” my parents by living with a man they did not like. The man was not a good man and I would spend a little over two and a half years never really being with him but remaining on his leash. The man made sure that I would never be in a relationship with anyone else more than a couple weeks and at the same time never allow me to be in a relationship with him. The man was physically and mentally abusive and I still to this day have many issues that have yet to be “fixed” because of the things that he did. Anyways, I spent the nine months of my pregnancy working as a waitress, and at about six months pregnant I moved back in with my parents because I was not able to provide for myself. All this time I would still sneak and see my ex, the one who impregnated me and refused to believe that the child was his, while still living with my parents and accepting their help. This story although should be told does not need to be told right now the main thing you need to know is I had my daughter, was a single mother, lived with my parents for a couple months, worked in customer service once she was born, still “fooled” with my ex, and met my husband about six months after my daughter was born. 
My husband is a good man when I met him we both worked together and I was just looking for someone to settle down with while he wanted a one night stand. He never left. I put him through a lot in the beginning the start of child support case, paternity tests with my daughter, and repeatedly breaking up with him to get back with my ex so that my daughter could see her birth father. It took my husband actually trying to leave back to his home state and never come back for me to realize that I wanted to be with him and no one else. My husband stayed only knowing that I would never speak nor see my ex again. I have not. My husband asked me to marry him between May and July I got my ring on my birthday when I turned 23. We also got pregnant with our second child the beginning of July after financial hardship we moved to Kansas to live with my mother to give her help around the house and company. In March of the next year my second daughter was born with this event my husband signed up to join the United States Army so that we could have a better life.  At this point I was taking care of two children and keeping house for my mother. Life was hard then but I at least had help from my mother and breaks to relax and be alone with my husband I will forever be grateful for that. After my husband graduated basic and AIT we moved to Georgia where my husband’s orders were placed. A week in Georgia we became pregnant with our third child, a son. So that brings us almost current our oldest is four now, middle is two almost three, and the youngest is one. My life has not changed since moving here besides a bigger house, and adding to our family with two dogs. So why do I give you this brief background story into parts of my life, so that you may understand that when I give certain facts you can see the background of those facts and hopefully understand me a bit more.
My life now is continuous, which in truth it has been since my daughter was born. Since the birth of my oldest child I have not had one full day alone, and by alone I mean truly alone every moment of my life has been spent with either one or more of my children or my husband or even one of my parents or siblings. I do believe that the world thinks it is funny to watch me spend my life like this. Life was tolerable in the beginning I knew the choices that I had made and the consequences that had arisen out of that, I was able to take care of my child with happiness and a look of optimism. By the time my second daughter was born I was still able to walk around with a sense of happiness and understanding, I chose to have a second child and I chose to stay home and take care of my children rather than work. Which I will explain because it really needs to be understood as to why I stay home and not work where my husband does which in today’s world is quite hard to do with three children. I used to work I held a job from the day I turned sixteen up until my daughter turned a year old. I loved working, of course I got tired with it from time to time but that is what sick days were for. My last job was at SITEL where I met my husband he had lost his job there when he was going to leave me and at that point in our life because of daycare costs and adding him into our income situation he stayed at home with my daughter. It didn’t last long though within a couple months he had had enough of a crying child 24/7 and when I lost my job in June of that year it was decided that he would find a job and I would have to stay at home with my daughter because I did not have the money to put my daughter in daycare so we both could work. I have not worked since. So now my life consists of child involvement every day and night and if not in the form of my actual children, at times it is my husband who is acting like the child. Once we had two children there was no way I could ever go back to work the cost alone in daycare would have rendered it useless for me to work. I would be basically going to work to pay the daycare bill and getting a break from the children. Which now that I think about it may have been a good idea so that I could have maybe gotten a much needed break from time to time. Now that we have three children the cost of childcare is even more so if I ever get to go back to work it will only be once I have children in school all day.
So now you know why I do not work and you understand my past. The hard thing now is trying to explain to you what I am feeling and why. I don’t want to sound like I am complaining or that I hate my life, what I want more than anything is an understanding maybe even a sense of calm that someone out there knows what I am going through. Let me state a couple things before I go through my feelings, I know several people who have the same number or children I do and some even have more, they do just fine and have no issues, the difference is that I feel I have no support at home and what support I do have is not adequate. My husband will be livid when or if he ever reads this but understand it is really just how I feel.
I try my hardest with my children. It has hit the point in my life that sometimes forced thoughts come through my mind about no longer wanting to be a mother, wanting to just walk away from my husband, my children, everything to just be able to live alone in solace. These feelings are not right; it is not what I should be feeling. I wake up each morning wanting to just lie in bed and not go get my son who has awoken and is now jumping up and down in my crib, or go get my daughter who is screaming at the top of her lungs that she wants to watch Dora. I never want to cook anymore, cleaning is depressing, playing with my children is pained, and time with my husband is useless. Oh and before you suggest it I cannot just ask my husband to watch the children so I can go out with friends, I have no friends, my husband has ruined ones that I had or people just do not like me.
My day begins around five a.m. sometimes earlier; honestly it is whenever my husband’s alarm goes off on his phone. I must turn off his alarm and wake him up so that he can go to PT, if I do not wake him up he will sleep through his alarm and miss work. After he leaves I am able to go back to sleep most of the time, if a child has woken up I stay up with them, otherwise I sleep until either my husband comes home from PT or one of the kids wake up. Weekends I cannot sleep in either because if I try my husband just gets pissed because he never gets to sleep past six, even though as he tells me this on the weekend it is between 830 and 900. Hmmm….that sounds like sleeping in to me. After I get the kids changed and dressed in the morning we stay upstairs until I have the strength and will to go downstairs. Once we get downstairs cereal is the order for breakfast. The kids demand their TV and so we watch Dora or Umizoomi, who would have thought. Lunch has to be ready around eleven so our son can take his nap.  After lunch both our middle daughter and son go down for a nap. Our oldest is supposed to nap, needs to nap but she refuses, so she stays downstairs and is supposed to lie down. That however does not happen so I spend what should be my quiet time of the day trying to get my oldest to lie down and stay lying down and staring at my house wanting and needing to clean but not having the drive to move. Somewhere in there my husband comes home demanding his lunch and sometimes he brings someone else with him that I then have to feed as well. About three the kids start to wake up if my oldest has not woken them up with her screaming or my screaming. They are brought down stairs and changed in time for me to turn on the TV to once again watch Dora. Most of my day is also spent yelling at my children to listen to me, I start so nice and calm willing and hoping for them to listen, yeah never happen. So usually a couple hours in I have to yell. “Don’t color on the walls” “Stay out of the fridge” “Turn off the hose” “Do not go outside” These are just some of the most common and easiest yelling I have. I don’t even know where they get the colors because we hide them all because they already decorated most of our house.
By the time my husband gets home I am frazzled, pissed, tired, wanting to cry, and still keeping a smiling face. Doesn’t matter my husband comes home pissed or tired too so getting him to watch the kids without him himself yelling and over disciplining is useless. He has two things in the house I ask him to do so I do not have to do everything, the dishes and the garbage. The last time both of these things were completely caught up and done correctly was the last time I got pissed off enough to do it myself. He does help, just not the things he needs to be doing, he tries to pick up but he has a tendency to put things in piles and throw things into drawers so I have to turn around and do everything over again so that it is done correctly. My house is currently a mess while I am writing this, the toys strewn all through the toy room, dishes in the sink, counters and stove dirty, fridge full of liquid since someone broke a bottle of soy sauce, dirty clothes overflowing, house not vacuumed or swept or mopped. The house needs to be cleaned I really need to do it but cleaning a two story house by myself to perfection will take more than one full day and I would have to have the children out of the way and my husband cannot do that.
My husband does not have patience it takes the smallest thing to get him yelling so I feel a lot of the time I have to compensate for his behavior and the kids know that and therefore do not listen to me. They do not listen to my husband either I think because they know that no matter what daddy is going to yell and get mad. Part of my husband’s issue is that fact that he doesn’t fully understand how young our children really are they may be able to understand some things but they are still young and still cannot just be given orders and expected to follow through with it and remember them for all time. Or if they follow the orders one time my husband expects that from that point on they should always be able to do those same tasks. I personally think that if you word it correctly and if our children had a more stable happier home life it would be so much easier to get them to do things. But as of now our life is turmoil, our home is turmoil and nothing is going to fix it. My husband and I fight mainly about what he is not doing, what he is doing wrong, and how much I hate my life at times. I try I really do.
 When my husband is home he spends most of his time trying to watch his shows, play on the computer, read, or play on his phone. He takes an hour long bath daily sometimes longer, frequently takes a nap and doesn’t like to get off of the couch or his chair. Both my husband and I have a problem I call couch parenting. We have issues of telling our children to do something or stop something simply by telling or yelling from the couch or chair.
I know that I have issues too. I know I need to calm down and be more active with my children, I know I  need to be a better parent but I really feel that if I cannot get time away to be by myself in quiet I am going to go crazy and just get worse. I know what type of parent I need to be, I know how to accomplish this and most of all I know how and why I need to change. I just can’t literally I think about it all the time what I need to do and why, how I can be better, and when I need to do what things. However I wake up each morning dreading my life because I never get a break. My husband’s brilliant idea for this is to just yell at me well go upstairs or just go out then. My response, if I go upstairs I just have to hear the children be yelled at and getting in trouble constantly with him, and if I leave where am I to go, I don’t have friends to “hang” with and I don’t have money to go sit somewhere. I thought about going to the park and just sitting but here that is not a good idea way too many bugs and way too hot. Besides I feel that if I just leave for a day or for some time I will come home and my children will not have been paid attention to and will have just “gotten in trouble” all day. Somewhere somehow there has to be a way for me to get a break so that I can come back refreshed and ready to take care of my children. I love my children so much and everything I do is for them. I want them to have the best life I could possibly give them and the happiest. I want to achieve that for them but to do that I have to be happy myself and I am not. My husband will learn he is young and if I had the patience and the time I can show him how to be a parent and if he is not willing to accept my help then he will have to find his own help or I cannot be with him.
So there it is as much as I can explain there is so much more yes so much more to explain my complex feelings but this gets the gist of it out there. I do not want anyone to think of me as a bad mother. Please understand that I love my children dearly and what I have described are some of the worse times but we have a lot of good and loving moments and days. Soon my husband will be deploying and what little help I can wean out of him will be gone and I will be doing this myself before he goes I will learn how to be the better mom I need to be. I will reach my goals even if it means hiding all emotions and moving forward and pretending and practicing so that my children do not have to see anything but a happy loving mother. I will be that good mom for my children. I may not get the break I need but somehow I will accomplish what needs be done so my kids can have a wonderful happy life.